Monday, February 15, 2010

Saturday's Class

I think the most interesting part of Saturday's class was the impromptu presentations that everyone provided. The class was very creative and I was left with concise take-aways from each group. I was impressed with what the groups did as far forming a team, coming up with a strategy and then delivering the information in such a short period of time. The exercise was value added as it reinforced the initual reading(s).

The outdoor exercise was enjoyable, but quick. I concur with the group that if we would have done the exercise earlier in the session the results may have been quite different. Everyone knowing and trusting each other is a critical component of success.

The CPQ exercise and feedback gave me an opportunity to examine the difference between how perceive myself and what feedback I got from the tool. For the most part there was alignment, but areas such as the "relationships among people" category gave slightly different results than I would have expected.

Finally our team seems to be moving right along as we prepare for our Innovation presentations. Our team has been really supportive and everyone has been pulling their weight. I look forward to seeing the presentations of the other teams.


1 comment:

  1. very true keith, I do not know what we would have done if this exercise had been given to us on the first day of the class... probably something like the acid sea, but this exercise proves that we are applying what we learn and i am so glad of that
