Tuesday, February 9, 2010

GCI...Fact or Fiction?

I was a little surprised with data in my GCI Feedback Report. I scored very high in the Perception Management section with the exception of "Tolerance for Ambiguity". While I try to maintain a sense of curiosity to different ideas, I'm not sure if my actions "in the moment" would mirror my survey results.

I know from experience that while I perceive traveling and new cultures as positive during reflection, I also know that from the moment I land in a new country until I actually find my luggage, make it through customs, find a cab, figure out the tip, register at the hotel and close the door on my wonderful, new, strange hotel room, I'm on edge. The first morning in a new country is the toughest. The alarm goes off at 6A local time (God knows what time by body thinks it is!). I struggle to fit in the mini shower, discover I forgot my toothpaste, eat some exotic new breakfast with weird tasting coffee and spend the next 8-12 hours being "on" and then I share an evening meal with new acquaintances and drink more than I normally drink in a month?? It's TOUGH! SOOO while I relish the growth that new experiences bring in retrospect, when I'm in the moment, I feel like its more about survival than growth.

I ranked much more "middle of the road" in the Relationship Management section which I think is an accurate representation of who I am.

I also agree with the Self-Management assessment. I was ranked pretty high in most categories which doesn't surprise me. I'm a "the glass is half full" kind of guy.

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