Monday, February 8, 2010

Am I Globally Competent?

Okay...I am looking at my GCI report, sharing some of the result, which is suppose to be "Personal and Confident". Actually I wasn't that surprised to see my stress related score, and I know I have to work on that. But I was rather disappointed to see my score for Social Flexibility where I did very well in cosmopolitanism. I always though that I was quite flexible when it comes to social interaction with people from different backgrounds. But I guess I need to get much more exposure to situations where it is absolutely necessary to shine with your social skills.

I always have an open mind to any culture. I welcome diversity but there are some values and beliefs that I would not change. May be that is why I didn't do great in some of the Perception Management part. Though my overall GCI index is in the High, I still need to work on to improve my competency. I think the best way to achieve this is by growing interest in knowing the world. If we maintain our interests the rest will fall into place with time.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised that you scored high in GCI! :) I'm with you - my stress-related score was pretty accurate. I know I need to work on that.

    Whether through this GCI test or by retraining ourselves to think with a global mindset - we are learning more about ourselves. I think the process of learning about ourselves and retraining or at least practicing different skills is what will also help us become global leaders.
