Monday, February 8, 2010

GCI Results

OK, I didn't expect to be cosmopolitan, but the bottom ranking possible? I guess a lot more goes into that than tourist travel. I rarely read the travel section or the news beyond current local and national events, so the assessment is fair. I would love to travel more and would have by now if it were financially feasible. My husband has worked in more countries than he can remember, but never actually saw any of them so I don't think short-term assignments are an effective way to learn about a country's culture.

I had some issues in the relationship management section of the assessment, as the questions kept asking about "values". I don't think we change our core values in a social situation. We adapt, we do our best to understand each other's perspectives and issues, but I don't think anyone changes their core values. They may, over time, develop an appreciation of each others which may have some impact, but I don't think core values change.

I think I'm usually good at engaging others and trying to build positive relationships. The feedback I'm seeing here is that perhaps I'm not very good at it.

There are plenty of positive takeaways, but overall it was a bit depressing.

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