Thursday, February 11, 2010

GCI Results & other thoughts....

If you ever told me 15 years ago I would be eating a chicken's foot and liking it I would have informed you that you were nuts.

But look at me now, enjoying the wonderful goodness of dim sum with my wife's family.
I am not going to lie, my GCI scores were pretty sweet, but this is not something that came over night; it was something I worked on throughout my life.

As I grew older and changed, I realized that the world is an ever shrinking place.
I started to realize it was important to move outside of my ethnic "comfort zone".

In the beginning it was rough. I remember a business trip when I went out to a dinner where everyone invited was not native to the United States. Do you believe they separated the foreigners from the Americans? (I actually sneaked into the meal cause I had to see what was going on =) That dinner was rough not only because the company did not want to pay for my meal, but also because I felt like an outsider. And I was.

There is a way to become an insider - and that is to keep an open mind, listen and just treat others as you would like to be treated: with some respect & understanding. Sometimes it is OK not to know "exactly" what is going on. I'll just ask some questions later =) In the meantime, I will just enjoy my meal and a good glass of wine.


  1. You couldn't find a bigger picture?! haha
    All joking aside, your blog is right on.

  2. Oh my gosh, I could not believe my eyes. Were you really eating chicken feet or was it just for a show? Anyway, you are very well-trained!!! I was raised to enjoy and appreciate chicken feet as I watched my mom boil them, then peel the outer layer skin of the feet, then rinse and cook them. But when one day, I brought chicken feet to a reunion party, people just literally ran away or gagged. Out of respect for my friends, from that day on, I can’t remember the last time I tried chicken feet, and I have pretty good memories . By the way, chicken feet in Dim Sum have a lot of fat and sodium, which are combinably bad for your health. Enjoy your meal but beware.

  3. Right on Mark! Keeping an open mind gets you the best of both world - Chicken feet, pinto beans and pickles.
